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If you're feeling stuck, restless, and anxious being confined to only one gig, there's not a thing wrong with you, despite what most of the world thinks in this information age. 

If you’re ready for a transformation in a career that energizes rather than drains you, then you’ve come to the right place!

You may be experiencing any combination of these emotions as you go through your work day:

  • Anxiety  

  • Boredom   

  • Trapped

  • Unfulfilled

  • Restlessness

  • Unchallenged

  • Frustration

  • Overwhelm



My name is Carol Dickson-Carr, and I say all of this because every last one of those emotions were my life for 13 LONG years.

Maybe you’re luckier and have only experienced a few of those emotions. But either way, if you’re here and still reading, then you have an inkling that there's more to life than what you're currently living, and you are absolutely right!

However, if you’re anything like I was, you’re probably dissatisfied with how you’re showing up professionally, due in part to the emotions mentioned above.

But what if you had more clarity, more creative expression—not to mention more peace, better health, more sleep, more fulfillment, fun, and flexibility?

And how about a better sense of freedom?

This is all a wonderful byproduct of being in a career that makes sense to YOU that you love!


You see, I used to do the traditional 8 to 5 grind and the soul-sucking environment for 13 years and felt trapped despite the money…

I was this gal who had a tug-of-war between what society thought was acceptable and my own wiring. I went with society’s—and my mom’s—expectations (because I love and respect my mom). I went to college, used my math brain, got math-based degrees, got prestigious jobs, made good money working 8-5 or longer, and so on. The problem with that is that I’ve always been wired for more autonomy, flexibility, VARIETY, and creativity. If you’re still reading, then I bet you can relate on some level!

But it was embedded in my belief system that any creative pursuit was only relegated to being a hobby for me, whether it was fiction writing, composing or performing. And I did that 8-5—being-told-what-to-do-grind for13 long, restless years.

I did this because I was afraid to step up! I found it ironic that I haven’t had issues with literally performing solo on stage since…1992! I’ve always loved being up in front of audiences large and small speaking, teaching or performing (with enough lead time for practice and preparation, that is 😂!). But “stage fright” paralyzed me in other areas of my life.

Even so, while still working full time in the last of my oh-so-draining jobs, I admit to trying different business ventures that weren’t really a fit for me over the years because someone ahead of me in the game suggested it. So I wasn’t trusting my intuition at all…I didn’t really trust myself. I catered to the whims of “Gurus” I thought were “better than me” but had a very different value system than I do.

I also tried other ventures that I thought were a fit…but at the same time, I didn’t think I was good enough for. Lots of bad timing along the way for sure.

I had some success, but plenty of failures, and I took rejection VERY PERSONALLY.  It often threw me into analysis-paralysis and negative, disempowering self-talk. I was the queen of giving away most of my power.

So after quite a bit of training with the right people on my inner and outer game, stumbling quite a bit along the way, then hiring a number of the right mentors and coaches, I finally got to live the path I was meant to.

And in 2007, I finally broke free and got into a consistent groove of not only living my life purpose, but getting paid to live it! I won't lie to you and say that it's always smooth sailing (though, it's been so much easier the past three years). But let me tell you:

The feeling of making that transition was so very freeing! I want that freedom, fun, and fulfillment for you too. Not just the fleeting kind, but the sustaining kind!

So what I did was create a program that can help you do just that!

In this program, you will receive a step-by-step system to:

  • Make the commitment once and for all and create your roadmap to living your multi-talented vision with purpose and passion (and profit!)

  • Get relief and enjoy yourself RIGHT NOW during your transition

  • Say bye-bye to stress, overwhelm, and being stuck on the proverbial treadmill.

  • Create an exit plan from your current reality that feels good

  • Ignite and monetize your creative expression in a way that honors who you are

  • Organize what I call your Idea Factory Explosion—this is key to getting focus (I know firsthand as a creative person with a renaissance spirit how easy it is to get derailed and scattered by this if I’m not careful!)

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  • Become outrageously and consistently courageous so you aren’t deterred when obstacles come up (and they will).

  • Stand in creation with calm confidence and stepping up without attachment to the outcome (feeling tones are important, here!).

  • Align your environments for success in all four domains (mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional) so that you remain consistent and stay the course during this journey

Join Today for $997

(or 4-monthly payments of $297)

What does this12-week program entail?

Module 1: Setting You Up for Success

"You Are Here" Assessments

Outcome: You will have an understanding of where you are on an inner and outer level by identifying the areas you’ll need the most support in.


Building Your Foundation: As you step into your new and improved normal, it’s so easy to step into fear when we’re outside of our comfort zones. Sometimes, we can’t find, access, or trust our intuition when we’re treading in uncertain waters. I will teach and support you in implementing the very crucial energy management system for your mind, body, and spirit so your energy is in alignment with your career goals. I’ll meet you where you are, which will make the co-creation process flow more smoothly.

Outcome: You will have a better relationship with time, more peace, and more/better tools to coach yourself when you feel stuck as we navigate this custom-designed career path.

Module 2: Vision and Mindset for Your Fabulous Future Self

Some people know what they’re well-suited to do and what lights them up right out of the gate, while others may be consciously or unconsciously living a vision someone else has mapped out for them. We’ll go even deeper to develop and map out (or improve upon) YOUR vision that will showcase your values and unique creative spirit 100%.

I will help you use the energy planning system process and help you design supportive environments as we develop your multi-faceted, multi-passionate career path from your vision. We’ll play big together!
This is important because when you’re clear, your day flows instead of stagnates. And if we have to revisit any issues or "stuff" that might be coming up along the way, you’ll have the tools to manage them.


Outcome: You will have a Big Picture Plan emerge at the same time some of your "stuff" is addressed.


Module 3: Peaceful Project Planning

Perhaps you love structure, but I can also fully appreciate the resistance to structure and planning as a creative spirit. However, you probably know deep down that it’s a necessary step in the process. 


Sure, there’s structure, but you will have a lot of flexibility and FUN built into this. Since this is a living, breathing document, ongoing revisions are encouraged as you up-level your mindset and circumstances. This document grows as you do!

Outcome: You will have a clear Statement of YOUR purpose and objectives that works for you!

Module 4: Magic Momentum Maker

Now that we have some of your foundation established, it’s time to implement in earnest! We will start creating a 90-day action plan with fun challenges that will push you outside your comfort zone while staying fully in integrity of who you are. This process will keep you on task and create a cycle of confidence and accountability.


Throughout this journey I will be checking in on your self-coaching abilities, helping you detangle your energy when you are stuck, and amping you up when you need to stretch. 


It’s vital to your success to have access to support at all times (me/spirit/your inner coach). It feels good to know that you are never alone. 😊  

Outcome: You can form more energetically peaceful, productive, and profitable habits as you navigate these additional revenue streams by “staying in” and trusting the process.

About & Subscribe

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to navigate and ultimately transition out of your soul sucking job so you can develop a Portfolio ("Poly-amorous*") Career that allows you to get paid doing a variety of cool money-making endeavors while feeling vibrantly alive and fulfilled, living your purpose with more money in the bank.

*In the context of multiple gigs that use your passions!😁



Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 7, 2021



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With any co-creation, all parties need to have skin in the game. I will definitely do my part to be your partner-in-progress.  😊 If, by the end of our 12 weeks together, your career plan has not been completely crafted, I will work with you until it's completed!

Questions or concerns? Let's chat to see if this program is a fit for you.

Join Today for $997

(or 4-monthly payments of $297)

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